Sherlock Holmes and the Little Black Men (Шерлок Холмс и чёрные человечки, 2012) by Aleksandr Bubnov

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Sherlock Holmes and the Little Black Men
Sherlock Holmes and the Little Chimney Sweeps
Шерлок Холмс и чёрные человечки
Sherlok Holms i chyornyye chelovechki (ru)
Sherlock Holmes ja mustad mehikesed (et)

Year 2012
Director(s) Bubnov Aleksandr
Studio(s) Buben
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Literature (non-Rus./USSR)
War & battles
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Digital 2D
Length 00:33:55
Wordiness 15.77
355 visitors

Sherlok Holms i chyornyye
Date: July 16 2024 00:31:49
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 977 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Aleksandr Bubnov, Niffiwan, spiritcc, sve-tka, 221bees, abitnotgoodyeah, charliebrown1234, cosmoglaut, lxgique, shaddicted

Sherlok Holms i chyornyye
Date: September 13 2019 15:46:26
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 72 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

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This film is part of the Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson series.


Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Doctor Watson solve the case of stolen top secret documents. A parody of the famous series by Arthur Conan Doyle.

The director's previous film about the famous duo made eight years earlier had been quite well-liked, but neither Russian nor Ukrainian studios were ready to fund a sequel, so Bubnov funded the production partly by crowd-funding on LiveJournal (sites such as KickStarter or had not taken off yet in Russia), and partly by finding a Ukrainian patron who was a fan of the previous film and proved ready to fund the remainder. It was originally released in six parts, then combined into one film.

Although earlier subtitled in English in 2014 (by spiritcc & co.) and 2015 (by Bubnov himself), both of those translations suffered from broken English and sometimes being unfaithful to the text. The current translation takes the best from both earlier versions and hopefully does justice to the film.

2013 — Ukraine - XX "KROK" International Animated Film Festival - Diploma "For an original interpretation of a classic detective story"




I'm really glad I could finally bring this one here. I've wanted to do it for a while, but the film is so wordy and the existing translations so problematic that it took longer than I'd hoped.

I think the film has somewhat odd pacing (it feels like the climax comes early, and there's a long "afterword" which explains what happened earlier), and I think the sketchy dream-sections aren't drawn as appealingly as the main part, but it nevertheless is quite funny and brilliant. All of the scenes from the "present-day" with the main villain in particular are excellent.

The director was feeling burned out after he finished it (and no wonder!), but soon found himself writing another "Holmes" script that ended up with perhaps enough material for a feature film. It was to be called "Королевские игрушки" ("King's Toys", or "Royal Toys"). He seemed quite excited about it and production was due to start in 2014.

So what happened? I have to read between the lines a bit, but I suspect the Maidan and the start of the Ukrainian/Russian conflict in 2014 had something to do with it. The first two "Holmes" movies were in Russian, and it seems that the new one was planned to be a major Russian-language project made mostly by a Ukrainian studio. Since 2014, that combination has become untenable on both sides of the border, and even more so since 2022. Aleksandr Bubnov is 65, currently lives in Kyiv/Kiev and is still active on his YouTube channel. People often leave comments praising his Holmes films and asking for a sequel, and he often replies thanking them, but saying that he doubts it will ever get made and that the current situation makes it completely impossible.

On a not-completely-unrelated note, Boris Bubnov is probably his son, and is credited with drawing/animating the dream sequences here.


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