Legend of the Old Lighthouse (Легенда о старом маяке, 1975) by Vitold Bordzilovskiy

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Legend of the Old Lighthouse
Легенда о старом маяке
Legenda o starom mayakye (ru)
Truyền thuyết ngọn hải đăng cổ (vi)

Year 1975
Director(s) Bordzilovskiy Vitold
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Musical/Opera
War & battles
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:18:44
Wordiness 4.45
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
393 visitors

Legenda o starom mayakye.1975.en.1.25fps.1636269097.srt
Date: November 07 2021 07:11:37
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 441 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan, Zhurka75

Legenda o starom mayakye.1975.ru.1.25fps.1739186848.srt
Date: February 10 2025 11:27:28
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan

Legenda o starom mayakye.1975.vi.1.25fps.1600739108.srt
Date: September 22 2020 01:45:08
Language: Vietnamese
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 751 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Cynir

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During the Great Patriotic War (WW2), two children must light the beacon of a lighthouse to allow Soviet ships enter their bay and defeat the German Nazis who occupy their land.




Interesting, this one. The director had obviously fought in World War II, and made use of some of his memories here. I'm not sure that anyone could make a film like this today.

In terms of "children being heroic during wartime", this also reminds me a bit of Snezhko-Blotskaya's The Tale of the Boy Nipper-Pipper (1958), though that one was about the Russian Civil War and is much more cartoony.


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