And I'm with You Again...
So with You I Am Again...
И с вами снова я...
I s vami snova ya (ru)
351 visitors
So with You I Am Again...
И с вами снова я...
I s vami snova ya (ru)
❤ | |
Year | 1980 |
Director(s) | Hrzhanovskiy Andrey |
Studio(s) | Soyuzmultfilm |
Language(s) | Russian |
Genre(s) | Biography Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic) Literature (Rus./East Slavic) |
Animation Type(s) | Cutout Drawn (cel) Live-action Mixed |
Length | 00:29:39 |
Wordiness | 17.67 | profile | Ru, En |
⭳ I s vami snova
Date: August 17 2024 08:49:14
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 11249 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Alan Shaw, Andrey Kneller, Cecil Maurice Bowra, Charles H. Johnston, Ivan Panin, J. Thomas Shaw, James E. Fallen, Niffiwan, Stanley Mitchell, T. J. Binyon, Tatiana Wolff, Yevgeny Bonver, Yuri Menis, Eus₂, Lemicnor₂
⭳ I s vami snova
Date: August 16 2024 17:20:23
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 191 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Lemicnor, Niffiwan₃
⭳ I s vami snova
Date: August 17 2024 08:49:14
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 11249 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Alan Shaw, Andrey Kneller, Cecil Maurice Bowra, Charles H. Johnston, Ivan Panin, J. Thomas Shaw, James E. Fallen, Niffiwan, Stanley Mitchell, T. J. Binyon, Tatiana Wolff, Yevgeny Bonver, Yuri Menis, Eus₂, Lemicnor₂
⭳ I s vami snova
Date: August 16 2024 17:20:23
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 191 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Lemicnor, Niffiwan₃
This film is part of the Based on the Drawings of A. S. Pushkin series.
A look at the middle period of Pushkin's adult life, when he was exiled to his parents' rural Russian estate and, for the first time in his life, was suddenly immersed in Russian folk culture and fell in love with it. Part 2 of the trilogy based on Pushkin's own doodles, poems, and others' contemporary writings. With folk music by the Dmitry Pokrovsky ensemble.
Detailed information regarding each section of the film can be found in the English subtitle upload notes.
1986 - State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya, presented to director Hrzhanovskiy and composer Schnittke for the A.S. Pushkin trilogy
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This is my favourite part of the trilogy, and probably the most approachable entry-point as well.
The first 10 minutes of the film, especially, are really beautiful and have some amazing animation. Also, it has the most approachable narrative approach of the trilogy, so even those not familiar with Pushkin's life shouldn't get too confused (which you can't really say about the 1st or 3rd films, which are rather introspective).