Leonid Nosyrev
Носырев Леонид Викторович1937 -
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Merry-Go-Round 1 ❤
Весёлая карусель 1
Vesyolaya karusel 1
1969 – 00:09:51 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid, Petrov Anatoliy, Sokolskiy Gennadiy
Comedy, Literature (non-Rus./USSR), Musical/Opera, Surrealism/dream-logic – drawn (cel)
8.04 ws – Subtitles: Arabic (unknown⭳ – by ?, Niffiwan), German (good⭳ – by Тихон, Niffiwan₂), English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella), Italian (unknown⭳ – by ?, Niffiwan), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan)
The first entry of an acclaimed long-running series of short, artistically daring children's cartoons by promising new directors. Includes: "Mosaic" (Nosyrev, with Barinova as art director), "Antoshka" (Nosyrev), "Absent-Minded Giovanni" (Anatoliy Petrov, based on a story by Italian writer Gianni Rodari), "Well, Just You Wait!" (Sokolskiy - the "pilot episode" of the most famous Soviet cartoon series).2023-06-172022-10-04 -
Merry-Go-Round 2 ❤
Весёлая карусель 2
Vesyolaya karusel 2
1970 – 00:10:04 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid, Petrov Anatoliy, Strautmane Rasa
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera – drawn (cel)
4.6 ws – Subtitles: German (good⭳ – by Тихон, Eus₂, Niffiwan₂), German (ok⭳ – by Тихон), Greek (unknown⭳ – by ?), English (good⭳ – by Mr. Icon), English (good⭳ – by Mr. Icon, Niffiwan, Eus₂), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella), Croatian (unknown⭳ – by M de Vega, Niffiwan₂), Italian (unknown⭳ – by ?), Russian (unknown⭳ – by ?), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan, Eus₂), Vietnamese (unknown⭳ – by Cynir)
Includes: "Cock-and-Bull Story" (by Strautmane, adapting a nonsense poem), "The First" (by Anatoliy Petrov, in which some scouts go on a hike) and "Two Merry Ganders" (by Nosyrev, the most famous of the shorts, featuring a song about two geese).2023-06-172022-10-04 -
Merry-Go-Round 3 ❤
Весёлая карусель 3
Vesyolaya karusel 3
1971 – 00:09:47 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid, Petrov Anatoliy, Ugarov Valeriy
Comedy, Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera, Sci-fi & space – drawn (cel)
10.58 ws – Subtitles: German (good⭳ – by Тихон, Eus₂, Niffiwan₂), English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan, ?₂), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan, Eus₂, Тихон₃)
Includes: "The Devastation" (by Ugarov, adapting Eduard Uspenskiy's poem about a destroyed apartment), "The Blue Meteorite" (by Petrov, adapting a sci-fi poem by Roman Sef) and "Ginger, Ginger, Freckled Redhead" (by Nosyrev, a song in which a boy gets teased for being a ginger).2022-10-222022-10-06 -
Merry-Go-Round 4
Весёлая карусель 4
Vesyolaya karusel 4
1972 – 00:09:20 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Barinova Galina, Nosyrev Leonid, Petrov Anatoliy
Comedy, Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel), drawn (not cel)
10.24 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan, Eus₂)
Includes: "About a Freaky Frog" (by Barinova, adapting Tsyferov's story of a conversation between a cow and a frog), "The Silent Hamster" (by Nosyrev, adapting Eduard Shim's story of a resourceful and underestimated hamster) and "A Merry Little Old Man" (by Petrov, adapting Daniil Kharms' poem).2022-10-152022-10-15 -
The Tops and the Roots
Вершки и корешки
Vershki i koreshki
1974 – 00:11:35 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera – drawn (cel)
14.81 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan)
A smart peasant fools a lazy and silly bear. Based on a Russian folk tale.2024-11-232024-11-22 -
If You Don't Like - Don't Listen ❤
Не любо - не слушай
Ne lyubo - ne slushay
1977 – 00:10:18 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – cutout, drawn (cel), mixed
14.93 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, AxmxZ₂, prodisney.ru members₃)
Tall tales from the Russian far north, near the White Sea.2008-12-052020-12-20 -
The Magic Ring ❤
Волшебное кольцо
Volshebnoye koltso
1979 – 00:19:30 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Romance – drawn (cel)
14.7 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan), Spanish (unknown⭳ – by Yefren), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella), Russian (unknown⭳ – by DeafNet.ru), Russian (unknown⭳ – by DeafNet.ru)
A poor peasant lad befriends a snake, obtains a magic ring and decides to marry the princess, but the princess has other ideas. Based on the Pomor (Russian far north) folk take recorded and then rewritten by Boris Shergin.2022-10-132022-10-12 -
The Little Tiger on the Sunflower ❤
Тигрёнок на подсолнухе
Tigryonok na podsolnukhe
1981 – 00:09:58 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
Misc. – drawn (cel), paint
7.99 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella), Russian (unknown⭳ – by DeafNet.ru, Niffiwan₂), Russian (unknown⭳ – by nataliya, Niffiwan₂)
A charming story about a little Siberian tiger who saves a sunflower from winter's storm.2024-07-032021-01-14 -
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea ❤
Смех и горе у Бела Моря
Smekh i gorye u Bela Morya
1987 – 00:58:55 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), History, Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Serious – cutout, drawn (cel), mixed
12.72 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, AxmxZ₃, prodisney.ru members₃), Spanish (unknown⭳ – by Don Medina, Yefren)
Stories from the people who live by the White Sea in Russia's far north.2022-11-252020-12-20 -
A True Pomor Story
Поморская быль
Pomorskaya byl
1987 – 00:10:21 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
History, Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera, Serious – cutout, drawn (cel)
9.96 ws – Subtitles: Czech (unknown⭳ – by wero1000), English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, wero1000₂), Russian (unknown⭳ – by konst1)
Two fishermen lose their boat and are left stranded on a small, rocky island in the Arctic Ocean north of the White Sea. Based on a historical event that happened in autumn 1857, recorded by ethnographer Boris Shergin.2022-11-252022-11-25 -
Mister Pronka
Мистер Пронька
Mister Pronka
1991 – 00:27:23 – English, Russian – Sovinterfest, Soyuzmultfilm – Nosyrev Leonid
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Politics, Romance – drawn (cel)
16.68 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Anna Evteeva, Eus, Niffiwan)
A bored, rich American goes to Russia with his younger cowboy brothers and offers a Russian bloke a deal: he'll make him rich as long as he never washes even once for 15 years. Based on the story recorded by Boris Shergin.2024-08-292024-08-29