Films from the 1940s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 49 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
How Vasya Tyorkin Went To Be Enlisted
Как Вася Тёркин призываться шёл
Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya shyol
1941 – 00:03:57 – Russian – Lenfilm – Shmidt Pavel, Syumkin Vitaliy
Literature (Rus./East Slavic), War & battles – drawn (cel)
5.52 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan), Russian (good⭳ – by Niffiwan)
The adventures of Vasya Tyorkin, a popular "everyman" soldier created by Aleksandr Tvardovskiy whose adventures were serialized in a Leningrad newspaper through WW2.2021-02-182021-02-18 -
The Stolen Sun ❤
Краденое солнце
Kradenoye soltse
1943 – 00:11:21 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Hodatayeva Olga, Ivanov-Vano Ivan
Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel)
3.55 ws – Subtitles: Czech (unknown⭳ – by wero1000), English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan)
A crocodile swallows the sun and the forest's animals ask the bear for help. Based on the famous children's poem by Korney Chukovskiy.2022-07-082020-12-20 -
The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Сказка о царе Салтане
Skazka o tsarye Saltanye
1943 – 00:35:00 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Basmanova Tatyana, Brumberg Valentina, Brumberg Zinaida
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel)
7.85 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Eus, Louis Zelikoff, Niffiwan), Esperanto (unknown⭳ – by N. M. Fedotov, Audvide₂)
A screen version of Pushkin’s fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, his son - the good and mighty bogatyr (knight) Prince Gvidon, and the fine Tsarevna Swan.2021-06-052021-02-23